LPS® 02316 KB-88 Ultimate Penetrant, 16 oz Aerosol Can, Liquid Form, Clear/Red, 0.87
MFG #: 02316
/ EA
- Base Type: Mineral Oil
- Color: Clear/Red
- Composition: Distillates Petroleum, Hydroteated Light, Solvent Naphtha (Petroleum), Heavy Aroma, Carbon Di Oxide
- Container Size: 16 oz
- Container Type: Aerosol Can
- Country of Origin: US
- CustomerPartNumber: 100078, 100084, 101209, 155011
- Flammability Rating: 0.6% Lower, 11.7% Upper
- Flash Point: 160 deg F
- Form: Liquid
- Manufacturer Name: ITW Pro Brands
- Net Weight: 13 oz
- Odor/Scent: Hydrocarbon
- Series: KB-88
- Specific Gravity: 0.87
- Temperature Range: 300 deg F
- Viscosity: <14 cSt at 25 deg C
- VOC Content: 43%, 3.1 lb/gal, 373g/L
LPS® Ultimate Penetrant, Series: KB-88, Aerosol Can Container, 16 oz Container, 13 oz Net Weight, Mineral Oil Base, Composition: Distillates Petroleum, Hydroteated Light, Solvent Naphtha (Petroleum), Heavy Aroma, Carbon Di Oxide, Liquid Form, Clear/Red, Hydrocarbon Odor/Scent, 300 deg F, 0.87 Specific Gravity, 160 deg F Flash Point, 43%, 3.1 lb/gal, 373g/L VOC, <14 cSt at 25 deg C Viscosity, Flammability: 0.6% Lower, 11.7% Upper
- Standards
- Item Features
- Application
NSF Registered|Category Code H2|A-A-50493 Class B Type I & II
- Formulated to attack and quickly release rusted and corroded nuts, bolts, hinges and other frozen components
- High KB solvency value of 151 and low surface tension
- Penetrates faster and deeper than most other similar products in the market place
- Displaces moisture
- Aggressive formula
Bearings, Bolts, Chains, Conveyors, Corroded Fasteners, Equipment disassembly, Hinges and Nuts